Mapping MLB Fans By County

Apparently the website SeatGeek created a map showing the favorite MLB team of every county in the United States. The map is based on seat purchases.

Interestingly, the Atlanta Braves who currently lead the Houston Astros 3 to 1 in the World Series are the favorite team in the most counties, 515 to be exact. This may be because counties are smaller and hence more numerous across the southeast where the fans of the Braves dominate.

The map was done in 2019 so things may have changed in the past two years.

The Uncle Grandpa et al Psyop Parallel

The Uncle Grandpa/Larry/Nick psyop on B.A.N. is designed to associate Trump supporters and patriots with bullshit, incest, superstitions, terrorism, cults, and nonsense. It should be ignored. I am not certain but most likely the cyberpig Paul Frankel, Will Klatt, and their (Israeli?) organization are behind it. They want to weaken the United States and ruin discussion on B.A.N. and others.

What Klatt and Frankel are doing on B.A.N. is the same thing the Terry McAuliffe campaign did in Virginia. In Virigina, Democratic operatives dressed up like White Supremacists with tiki torches and pretended to support the Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin to associate him with White Supremacists. Whatever organization Klatt and Frankel represent have Klatt and/or Frankel dressed up like Florida patriots (Uncle Grandpa et al) to associate true patriots and Trump supporters with the idiocy already listed.

It’s a false flag operation just like January 6.

Debate Challenge

To the losers and haters that have attacked me on B.A.N. and Twitter I have this to say:

I challenge you to a debate. The debate will be recorded and put on YouTube so that everyone can see you exposed for the psychotic liar that you are. I will expose that your comments have been total lies. Hence I put the challenge to you – stand up and defend your lies. Prediction – You are too cowardly to ever debate. You know how you will be torn apart and exposed as the psychotic sociopathic liar that you are.

The January 6 Commission

The events of January 6 were a set-up designed to impeach and prevent Donald Trump from running again in 2024. Trump endorsed a peaceful protest in front of the Capitol. Instead the FBI led people into the Capitol and the Capitol police let them in. Some FBI agents fought with the police to make the protest appear violent. The only people who should be prosecuted are the FBI agents and the Capitol police who orchestrated the whole thing. The black Capitol police officer who murdered an unarmed white woman should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law with an added hate crimes charge. He was so reckless and inept he previously left a loaded firearm in a public bathroom.

The Democrats thought they could use this to impeach and convict Trump in the Senate to prevent his running in 2024 but they lacked the votes. There weren’t quite enough stupid Senate Republicans to fall for the obvious trick and political theater. The January 6 commission is simply a continuation of these efforts. The Democrats know they didn’t rightfully win in 2020 and that they cannot defeat Trump in 2024 without another massive fraud effort so they are trying to jam him up in another way to prevent him from running in the first place.

The Democrats are clearly the party of the swamp and they will do whatever they can, by hook or by crook, to protect the swamp from Trump.

Dancing With Himself

Over at B.A.N., an anti-Stock troll posted a comment with a link to a news article about a self-proclaimed Oklahoma Satanist who claimed to have encountered a homosexual demon that molested him and caused him to ransack and start a fire in his apartment, which he later described as merely remodeling.

The troll then posted another news article about the same man, four years later. This time the man attempted to rob a bank but stole nothing and was identified by police after they earlier witnessed him “dancing with himself” in the window of a nearby business.

It reminded me of this Billy Idol song, particularly since the troll attempted to hijack a thread Robert Milnes @RobertLeMagne had already hijacked, in which he largely communicated with himself:

Dancing With Himself

Đorđe Martinović

Photo by Engin Akyurt on

Over at B.A.N., someone using the name Zoran Ilić left the following comment:

Hello my friends.

Fuck to the Albanian. What you did to the rectum of Đorđe Martinović was not favorable. He was my neighbor and I loved him. Fuck to the Albanian. Kiss my dick.

Thank to you and have a good day.

Đorđe Martinović seems to have been a real person in Kosovo.

From Wikipedia:

[Martinović] was a Serbian farmer from Kosovo who was at the centre of a notorious incident in May 1985, when he was treated for injuries caused by the insertion of a beer bottle into his anus. The Martinović affair, as it became known, turned into a cause célèbre in Serbian politics. Although the facts of the incident remained in dispute for years afterwards, it played a significant role in worsening ethnic tensions between Kosovo’s Serb and Albanian population.

What a story:

On 1 May 1985, Đorđe Martinović, a 56-year-old resident of the Kosovo town of Gjilan, arrived at the local hospital with a broken bottle wedged in his rectum. He claimed that he had been attacked by two Albanian-speaking men while he was working in his field. After being interrogated by a Yugoslav People’s Army colonel, Martinović reportedly admitted that his injuries had been self-inflicted in a botched attempt at masturbation. Public investigators reported that ‘the prosecutor made a written conclusion from which it appears that the wounded performed an act of “self-satisfaction” in his field, [that he] put a beer bottle on a wooden stick and stuck it in the ground. After that he sat “on the bottle and enjoyed”.’ Community leaders in Gjilan subsequently issued a statement describing his injuries as the “accidental consequences of a self-induced [sexual] practice.”

He was transferred to Belgrade for further investigations at the prestigious Military Medical Academy, but a medical team there reported that his injuries were not consistent with a self-inflicted wound. The team, which included two doctors from Belgrade and one each from Ljubljana, Zagreb, and Skopje (thus representing four of Yugoslavia’s six republics), concluded that the injuries had been caused ‘by a strong, brutal and sudden insertion or jamming of a 500 ml. bottle, or rather, its wider end, into the rectum’ and that it was probably physically impossible for Martinović to have done this to himself. The team argued that the insertion ‘could only have been carried out by at least two or more individuals.’

A second opinion was sought and provided a month later by a commission under Professor Dr. Janez Milčinski. The Milčinski team concluded that Martinović could have inserted the bottle by positioning it on a stick, which he had pushed into the earth, but had slipped during masturbation and broke the bottle in his rectum under the force of his body’s weight. The Yugoslav secret police and military intelligence reportedly concluded from this that Martinović’s injuries had indeed most likely been self-inflicted.

Martinović later recanted his confession, claiming that it had been forced out of him during a three-hour interrogation and that he had been promised that his children would receive employment in exchange for the confession. His son told the press that his father had been attacked simply because he was a Serb: ‘Friends are telling us [that] Albanian irredentists did it in revenge. … They don’t care who the victim might be. As long as it is a Serb.’

In the end, the federal Yugoslav and Serbian authorities did not pursue the case, even after Serbia revoked Kosovo’s self-rule in 1989, and no serious attempt appears to have been made to find Martinović’s alleged attackers.

Baby Bitch

From @grandoldmemes

The Governor of West Virginia Jim Justice urges the people of West Virginia to get the COVID-19 vaccine to please his bitch Babydog.

See :

Babydog is Gov. Jim and First Lady Cathy Justice’s English Bulldog. She is just over 1 year old.

The Governor named Babydog the official mascot of his vaccination sweepstakes.

‘If you won’t do it for me, if you won’t do it for your family, you’ve got to get vaccinated for Babydog,’ Gov. Justice said. ‘She wants you vaccinated so badly.’

Babydog has provided brief but much-needed moments of levity a few times over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Justice had Babydog make her first briefing appearance in the lead up to Super Bowl LV to discourage West Virginians from holding large parties for the big game; saying that there was no need because Babydog already knew what was going to happen – and she famously went on to correctly predict that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would score exactly 31 points in victory. In the time since, Babydog has become the Mountain State’s most famous and beloved pup, drawing smiles during each of her additional public appearances.

Similarly, Hunter Biden’s baby bitch, the so-called Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen, helped censor the New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the rampant corruption around the Biden family. The laptop story would have cost votes for Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election if only Haugen would have allowed people to link to it on Facebook. As a far left activist, she decided to censor the story to protect the Biden campaign and avoid any prosecution against Hunter Biden. For that, like Governor Justice’s Babydog, she is Hunter Biden’s Baby Bitch, another mascot for left wing causes. Her cause now being the censorship of any content that questions the far left status quo.


W.A.S.P. stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

It stands for the people who founded and built the United States of America; the people God entrusted with the experiment of a Republican form of government.

It is more an ideal than a religion or race. It is the Protestant work ethic and the moral superiority of the White race, specifically the Anglo-Saxon people.

It is what we should all admire and strive to be, regardless of our background.