
Republicunt Liz Cheney

Someone using the name “John” writes on B.A.N.:

Perhaps [Republicunt Liz Cheney] would be better off running as an independent or third-party as Trump supporters are quite hurt that it turns out they and Donald Trump are not safe from criticism.

If Republicunt Liz Cheney was just criticizing Trump that would be one thing. Trump has received justifiable criticism for the assassination of Soleimani, bombing Assad, failing to pardon Julian Assange, and peddling an untested vaccine.

Instead the Republicunt is attempting to personally destroy Trump and those around him. She is doing this for something Trump does not deserve criticism: January 6, the #Fedsurrection, in which the FBI duped Trump supporters to trespass the Capitol. It was a set up to prevent Trump from running in 2024. The post-presidency impeachment trial based on this failed, however, and now the January 6 committee, which Cheney co-chairs is the latest attempt to jam up Trump and his allies.