Andy Demands Answers

Andy: “Hey, Fact Checker, if you are privy to so much secret information in these circles, how about you reveal who it was who sent the fake death threat emails to the police that landed me in jail a few years ago? The charges got dropped, but it was a real hassle.

“It sure was mysterious how some troll popped up on IPR talking about me being in jail while I was in custody.

“I originally got arrested (illegally) for gathering petition signatures at a state university in Arkansas, and when I went back for an idiotic court appearance I got arrested again, while in the court room, because some jerk (probably a government goon or a political operative of some type) emailed death threats to the police, and they fraudulently put my name on the death threats, which landed me back in jail for another day, until I was able to bail myself out ($5,000 bail, for which I paid a bailbondsman $500 to post, because I did not have easy access to $5,000 at that time). Kind of suspicious how I was accused (falsely) of threatening to kill cops (a person would have to be a grade A moron to telegraph that even if they were crazy and demented enough to carry it out), yet they released me the next day after I paid the bail bondsman $500. If they really believed the threats were real and came from me, I don’t think they’d have released me so easily.

“I ended up getting an admission from the police awhile later that they found zero evidence that the death threats came from me, and they told this to the prosecutor, yet the prosecutor continued to hold this charge over me for almost a year AFTER the police told him that I was innocent.

“Death threats, particularly against cops, are taken pretty seriously, so considering that they know I did not do it, somebody did, yet whoever it us has never been prosecuted or revealed. I tried to find out what the investigation revealed, and they stymied me. I bet they know it came from some government, or politically connected goon, and I suspect they knew all along, and the day I got arrested I saw a cop in the court room waving around downloads of the bogus death threats, and they were giggling and smirking about it. I do not think the local cops sent the fake death threats though, because they would have had know way to know to pop up on IPR, nor would this explain all of the years of trolling and other strange things that happened. Also, I had only been in the area where the arrest happened for less than one day prior to getting arrested, so it was not as though I’d had any run ins with the local police.

“I do not believe the police are just going to let death threats against fellow cops slide, or that with the technology they have available that they truly have no way of figuring out where it cane from, if not who did it.

“Making death threats is a felony, and falsely putting somebody else’s name on death threats, in an attempt to set them up with charges, is also a felony.

“Oh, I was not with anyone during both of these arrests described above, so it was not like anyone was with me when it happened who could have then posted about it on IPR while I was in custody.

“Paul was not with me when I got arrested that time for petitioning. He was in a different city, about 3 hours away by car. So how could it have been him posting online that I was in jail when he was not even there and had no way to know I’d been arrested?

“Also, if Paul sent the death threats, why don’t the police go and arrest him? Do they not know he sent them, or does he have a ‘get out of jail free’ card as a protected asset?

“It is pretty clear that Paul has done some trolling, but I don’t believe he is the only troll, nor is it clear as to whether or not he is connected to any other trolls.

“I was able to obtain a recording of the 911 call from when I got arrested for petitioning in Arkansas. It was a worker inside the Student Center of the college who called the police on me, but I found out they only did so after a university employee complained. The complaint was meritless, as asking people to sign a petition on a college campus is a perfectly legal activity, and I had gathered 53 signatures in about 1 1/2 hours before being accosted by the police, so it was going pretty good. Also, the person who made the 911 call did specifically tell the police that I was gathering signature on a petition, so the police SHOULD HAVE SAID something like, ‘Oh, gathering signatures is a constitutionally protected right, carry on,’ and this SHOULD HAVE been the end of it.

“Note that the petition was to regain party status for the Libertarian Party of Arkansas, so they could nominate candidates to be on the ballot for the next election. Them preventing me from gathering signatures on this state mandated ballot access petition was actually a criminal act, but of course they got away with it.

“Paul got arrested in Colorado and in South Carolina, both times on a warrant (he claimed it was meritless, but who knows). The warrant was 2 years old when he got arrested in Colorado, and 10 years old by the time he got arrested in South Carolina. I know he was in jail, because I visited him in jail both times, and I actually saw him get arrested in South Carolina. He was released on both occasions after about two weeks, because the state where the warrant was from never picked him up. While he was being taken away in hand cuffs in South Carolina the police who were arresting him told me he’d probably be released in a few days, because they said that states do not typically pick people up who get arrested on warrants in another state unless it is a serious offense, especially if the state is far away, and his offense on the warrant was not something they considered to be serious.”

Fact checker:

if Paul sent the death threats, why don’t the police go and arrest him?

He uses IP anonymizers.

Andy: “Here is something else very strange. The only people I discussed him being arrested in South Carolina with were his parents. I never posted online about it, or told anyone else, yet while he was in jail, a troll popped up on IPR talking about him being in jail. The troll even knew what jail he was in.

“Who was this troll, and how did they know this? Why did they feel compelled to post this on IPR?

“My hunch is that it was a government goon who spies on minor political parties and trolls online. It might even be the person posting as Fact Checker above.”

Fact checker:

while he was in jail, a troll popped up on IPR talking about him being in jail. The troll even knew what jail he was in.

Either he posted it immediately after being released or got access to a phone.

Andy: “When I caught Paul trolling on IPR from the motel we were at in Arkansas (in separate rooms) in 2017, about 2 years after the arrest incident, he was using the IP address from the motel, which is how I caught him (it sounding like his writing style anyway, but the IP address being from the same motel we were at was a give away).

“Also, I have heard that law enforcement has ways of tracking people posting from IP anonymizers. I have even heard of people using IP anonymizers getting tracked down and arrested. So given that it is possible to do this, why dud they not got after the perpetrator? My hunch is because that person is also a government goon, or some kind of government connected goon.

“No, he was in jail in South Carolina for about two weeks, and the troll posts about him being in jail popped up well BEFORE he was released. Also, I visited him while he was in jail, and it did not look like the type of place where they give him his phone (he had to make calls from jail phone), or allow him to have internet access.”

Fact checker: Did they use your personal email or some other email to send the threats?

Andy: “They made up fake emails and put my name on them.”

Fact checker: So it wasn’t a hacker or someone sophisticated. They would’ve used your own email to send it.

If a suspect uses an anonymizer it makes it harder for investigators to track him. In your case, the police probably did not want to put in the effort needed to figure out who actually sent the email.

Just the facts: “Do you know how many contraband cell phones there are in jail?”

Andy: “A death threat was made to the police. Cops take cop killers very seriously. Somebody made a death threat to the police. I find it hard to believe they would let that slide.

“There was a bunch of other weird stuff that happened not long before this. I got bombarded with prank phone calls for several days late at night/early in the morning. I did not answer most of them, but one that I did answer had somebody on it that sounded like they had an English (as in from England) accent, but it was hard to understand what they were saying. Most of the calls came from blocked numbers, but at least one call forgot to block the number. I looked it up and it came from some company in San Diego, California that people can pay to make prank phone calls. Who paid this company to make prank phone calls to me?

“Another weird thing that happened shortly before I got arrested was somebody posted a fake advertisement online with my name on it, and it included my phone number in the ad, along with what motel I was at and my room number. I asked the front desk if they gave my room number to anyone, and they said they do not share guest information with anyone but law enforcement. I then contacted the company with the site that had the fake ad and I demanded that they take it down or else I’d sue them. They took the ad down shortly after this.

“I reported the prank phone calls, included the company in San Diego that got paid to make prank calls, and the bogus ad on that website, to the police after I got out of jail, when I voluntarily went to the police to show them evidence of the online trolling of which I was subjected, and nothing was ever done about this, nor did I ever receive any additional information about it.

“This was back in 2013. Not as many phones with internet as now. Also, Paul never liked typing on phones. He also did not like the small screens.”

Overlooking the Accomplishments

The abortionist Floyd Whitley should remember that 64 percent of the people in his state of Idaho voted for Trump. Maybe he should move. Perhaps to China. They really like brain dead sheep over there.

He repeats Lincoln Project talking points. Is he aware it’s run by pedophiles? Or is that an issue like abortion that he’s willing to overlook?

By voting for Biden who is pro-choice in 2021 versus Trump who was pro-choice in 1999 and who has been pro-life since at least 2009, Whitley is morally responsible for the deaths of millions of babies.

He then calls me liar when every indication he’s given is that he voted for Biden.

Questioning Trump’s pro-life views after he governed for four years as a pro-life president is beyond delusional. Trump added three pro-life justices to the Supreme Court and countless pro-life judges to the lower federal courts.

Whitley’s hatred and envy has blinded him to everything Trump accomplished in his four years in office.


  • secured the border
  • drew down soldiers abroad
  • did not start new wars
  • fostered peace in the Middle East and with North Korea
  • ended NAFTA and TPP
  • brought forth economic prosperity
  • nominated three strict constructionist justices to the Supreme Court
  • Project Warp Speed


Belvoir Castle by Christine Matthews is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

Over at Ballot Access News, Robert K Stock lies: “There is nothing magical or special about Anglo-Saxon anything.”

I respond: Then maybe you should stop speaking English. Maybe we should stop relying on English common law in our judicial system. Maybe we should throw out the concepts of due process, trial by jury, and checks and balances. Maybe we should burn the Magna Carta. Maybe we should stop reading Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Locke, and Dickens.

Get a grip. Take the red pill.

Like usual, Aiden responds with misinformed nonsense.

Per an article Demo Rep linked:

“The development of an Anglo-Saxon identity arose from the interaction between incoming groups of people from a number of Germanic tribes, both amongst themselves, and with indigenous British groups. Many of the natives, over time, adopted Anglo-Saxon culture and language and were assimilated. The Anglo-Saxons established the Kingdom of England, and the modern English language owes almost half of its words – including the most common words of everyday speech – to their language.”

Avebury – St James Church by Chris Talbot is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

The Filibuster

The Democrats are going to attempt to end the Senate filibuster and if you voted for the Democrats, you only have yourself to blame.

Manchin has already softened his stance. Sinema will soon follow.

Though some may say: “Manchin and Sinema like the current position of power their swing votes give them and won’t give it up.”

It’s a good point but the pressure builds on them from within the party. Furthermore, they will have even greater power to kill or advance legislation with the filibuster lifted.

Abortionist Floyd Whitley must remember this. He helped put the Democrats in power with his backing of Dementia Joe. So he can’t make a peep about it.

George Floyd is Guilty as Hell

Guess what? George Floyd is still dead. And that’s not a bad thing. The world is a better place without a drug addict criminal who pulled a gun on a pregnant woman. He is not a hero despite all the lies echoed throughout the media. Thank you Officer Chauvin for your service.

Chauvin did not have a fair trial. First of all, the judge should have changed the venue due to the threats of violence from Antifa and BLM. Second, the jury should have been sequestered so they would not have been prejudiced by the police shooting in Brooklyn Center and the comments of Congresswoman Waters. The judge erred when he did not grant a mistrial before the deliberation. If we actually have a fair system, Chauvin’s verdict will be overturned on appeal. If not, we simply live in a mobocracy.

In truth, George Floyd is guilty. He murdered himself and anyone following the case objectively would conclude that. He said he could not breathe when initially placed in the police car. If the police were able to deal with his resistance and left him there he still would have died, either in the police car en route to jail or in the jail. Why? Because just as happened two months before he died, Floyd was overdosing on fentanyl and meth. In addition, he suffered from severe heart disease due to the abuse he placed on his body.

This case is in fact a turning point. It is awakening many people to the truth. It is a major red pill event. We see the truth through the media and politician lies.

The more you push George Floyd down our throats and make us worship a crackhead, the more you continue to push false narratives contrary to the truth, and the more you discriminate against us based on our race; the more that will come over to our side and embrace reality. We don’t care if you call us racists or white supremacists. Those words mean nothing. We are on the side of truth and justice and that’s all that matters.

The Only Real Choice

In all honesty, the only real choice is blue pill versus red pill.

Do you continue to live in a fantasy world where men become women by saying so? Where children are routinely chemically castrated and their parents celebrated as virtuous? Where millions are slaughtered in their mother’s wombs in the name of almighty feminism? Where illegal aliens receive better treatment than natural born citizens out of compassion? Where Anglo-Saxon traditions and historic accomplishments are forgotten and replaced with those from lesser cultures? Where Anglo-Saxon lives are devauled for others whose criminal propensity is ignored and disbelieved? Where basic common sense and statistics are ignored and disbelieved? Where multinational corporations and their media mouthpieces have our best interests in mind? Where a senile dementia patient is actually running the country?

Do you believe all that and continue to ingest the blue pill or do you take the red pill and see society as it really is?

That’s the only real choice that exists.

Positive Discrimination

Tom Jefferson says a proposed law making it easier for the elderly to vote, “seems to be a clear case of age discrimination.”

I reply: This would be an example of positive discrimination.

Tom responds: “Are you sure?”

I answer: Yes. It provides a disadvantaged group (the elderly) with easier access.

Tom comments: “You might say you were, positive ….”

Jim Jones Was a Liberal Democrat

Abortionist Floyd Whitley compares Trump supporters to the followers of cult leader Jim Jones.

That’s ironic considering Jim Jones was a liberal Democrat just like Whitley.

From Wikipedia:

By the early 1970s, Jones began shifting his focus to major cities across California because of limited expansion opportunities in Ukiah. He eventually moved the Temple’s headquarters to San Francisco, which was a major center for radical protest movements. Jones and the Temple soon became influential in city politics, culminating in the Temple’s instrumental role in [Democrat] George Moscone’s election as mayor in 1975. Moscone subsequently appointed Jones as the chairman of the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission.

Jones was able to gain contact with prominent politicians at the local and national level. For example, he and Moscone met privately with [Democrat] vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale on his campaign plane days before the 1976 election, leading Mondale to publicly praise the Temple. [Democrat] First Lady Rosalynn Carter also met with Jones on multiple occasions, corresponded with him about Cuba, and spoke with him at the grand opening of the San Francisco headquarters—where he received louder applause than she did.

In September 1976, [Democrat] Assemblyman Willie Brown [who later became the fuckbuddy of Kamala Harris] served as master of ceremonies at a large testimonial dinner for Jones attended by [Democrat] Governor Jerry Brown and [Democrat] Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally. At that dinner, Brown touted Jones as “what you should see every day when you look in the mirror” and said he was a combination of Martin Luther King Jr., Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Mao Zedong. [Democrat] Harvey Milk spoke to audiences during political rallies held at the Temple

General Sherman Is Just as Heroic as Saddam Hussein

Opponents of the Georgia election law idolize General Sherman and wish for his return. Sherman was a war criminal who killed innocent women and children. If you consider him a hero I guess you would also consider Saddam Hussein a hero.

Saddam too was stopping a so-called insurrection when he gassed and killed innocent women and children in Kurd lands in 1988. Earlier that decade, Saddam was merely preventing the overturn of an election when he massacred the citizens of Dujail after an alleged assassination attempt.

The 1980 election in Iraq was probably just as fair as the 2020 presidential election. It had an 80 percent turnout.

The 1996 Iraqi election had a turn out of 93.5 percent.

More voters than usual is usually indicative of fraud.

The problem with voter ID and other fraud safeguards is not that it restricts legitimate voters. Rather, it restricts the regime in charge from committing fraud with illegitimate votes as occurred in the 2020 presidential election and all the referenced Iraqi elections.

Not checking ID and using mass mail-in voting is just a way to create fake votes as Saddam Hussein and the followers of General Sherman desire.